_____________________curly stuffs!
Monday, January 29, 2007 ; 10:51 PM
i had my hair done yesterday with digital perm at clementi together with mummy who did her own adult perm. hee. the perm costed $150, plus $48 for a hair product. ain't sure if that's supposed to be expensive or darn cheap but ohwell. my mom thought it was over the budget! anyways i kinda like the change, after having straight volumeless hair (which everyone mistakes of it being rebonded!!!) all my life.
nothing much happened today besides pe being the highlight. we ran 3 rounds around and out of the school by the PIE highway which was approx 9 rounds around the track(?). that workout perked me up since the whole day was just long, draggy, and practically dull. timing wasn't that bad. yeps, the longest day of the week, ending at 5pm. the weather made me even more sleepy! after school, headed down to far east to meetup with some of 2T34 people. wheee. ate and then the guys played a little of pool before heading home.
feeling kinda sleepy now (again). i've been snoozing all around school today, wonder what's wrong. zzz. and anyways, i'm desperately finding for the 2 cartoon films:
The Swan Princess, and,
Little Nemo- Adventures in Slumberland!! roar! i wanna relive my childhood days. those were like one of my favourite films. :)
Let's spend tonight on top of the world And we can do anything, we can be anything I'll meet you tonight on top of the world As real as it seems, you're only in my dreams
xoxo -
_____________________but it's just the price i pay, destiny is calling me.
Saturday, January 27, 2007 ; 12:22 PM
"I was just watching a news report on lung cancer & I suddenly feel very angry. On that report there were parents & wives & relatives crying because they lost their familes to lung cancer or are helping them fight it.
& then I think of all the selfish teenagers now who smoke their lungs out simply because they "can't help it" or because its "cool" or because they enjoy it, or because they are too upset in life so they have to resort to smoking."
quoted from sheila's blog! how true! arghs.
anyway. life's been so-so.. the only thing that perks me up and brings me out of reality is toi's goofyness. the different slangs of "chiilll", "mop", "nancy" and what nots. heh. i think she is seriously worse than me now!
school days end at like 5pm, or if not 4pm, if not, 1pm but with hockey trainings (so still end at 6.30pm anyway). thursday is my only slack day when i end at 2pm or 3pm (and that's not even early). hah. i wanna catch so many movies but i dont have the time to.. and watching movies on weekends are so not worth it..
thursday, went to town with classmates to far east.. emily, wanli and jodie. took pictures for the first time with them! haha. then, met up with lester, arthur and joel.. just sitting down and chatting up with them makes me contented. poooo. i really miss the J2s.
yesterday training under rain again, but i think we're all used to that already. turned up a lil late. preena, toi and i went to sneak a peek at the dance auditions. there was this guy who was, quite interesting i must say. haha.. speaking of training, the j1 girls are all very nice.
had an interesting chat in the bus on the way to town with mr jonatan tan, aka T34 last year's chem teacher for half a year, and aka my current form teacher. toi and i were bitching to him about teachers, and venting to him about school and how it has changed. how the teachers were lousier for my batch compared to last year's. :( he said T34 was a very special class to have all the higher ranks in the subject deparments being the teachers. i very much think so too! we had mr leong for econs, mrs felicia koh for maths, and mrs sandra tan for chem. that's like the ultimate ideal-teachers package luh! hah owell. but mr tan is really a nice teacher! felt very comfortable chatting to him like friends. then headed to town for dinner with preena and arthur. then walked around before going home.
today i'm gonna be a good girl and stay at home! haha. okay. just so not in the mood for going out. all i do is spend more money! which is a no-no. i've yet to even wear out 5 new tops/ dress that i got from sprees online recently. and i wanna perm half of my hair. i think i've almost made up my mind. i'm seriously bored of my hair.

xoxo -
_____________________chunky monkeys.
Friday, January 19, 2007 ; 7:56 PM
thank goodness my class yet again is made up of very unpretentious people, but we're still not united yet. we're all starting to open up a little, but there's still a few heres and theres, cliques and all. haven't had our first class outing but let's hope it'll be next week.
my calve muscles are evolving. i'm quite depressed. :( they're becoming babooski and very very chunky cos of the frequent runs! wednesday, for cca we ran a total of 10 rounds plus drills. thursday, for mass PE we ran a total of 7 rounds plus sit-ups, starjumps and blahs.. and today again for cca, we ran 10 rounds total and drills. 3 consecutive days and with this sudden rise of sports activities, my calve muscles how to not become bigger. jo is gonna be a big stout muscle woman. yucks! on a lighter note, hockey is fun. :)
oh oh, and i forgot to mention, i bought this pair of nike dunks ive been eyeing for a week at vivo last sat with chrissy. i finally found the size 6.5 after calling several nike shops! bet it was last pair of that size in singapore or something. and my gosh i got a 25% discount!! it really cut down alot on the retailing price!! :) it happened when my typical-auntie side showed. i asked the cute malay salesman that was serving me for a slight staff discount. i thought it was prolly gonna be just 5% or 10%. he thought for a moment but then gave in! if i'm not wrong his used up his monthly staff privellege for me! i was damn touched. and i only found out about the big discount when the price went down from about $126 to about $93?! :) hah.
Actions speak louder than words. oh definitely.
xoxo -
Monday, January 15, 2007 ; 7:23 PM
school's probably getting better.
supposedly 'skipped' chinese and went out of school together with
wanli and
emily, my fellow 1T08 retainee classmates, and
waritta, who doesn't need to take chinese. haha. we had break before 2 periods of chinese so we had a total of 3 free hours before PE lesson at 4! went down to lido in hopes of catching the 1.30pm Blood Diamond slot. we told ourselves if it lasted 2hour or less, we would be able to watch. but it was 2hr20mins. ): nevermind so we went over to borders and kinokuniya where i got a new file (which reminds me of something i used to carry is primary 3) then had lunch.
oh when we were heading back to school, we saw the weirdest thing ever. we were standing right outside orchard MRT entrance from wisma GAP, and at the traffic light linking wheelock to the mrt, we saw big crowds running frantically towards us like from a scene from The Day After Tomorrow or War Of The Worlds. then we realised it was raining damn heavily on the other side while we were super dry and clean. it was damn weird! like, there was heavy rain just 3 metres away from us. haha. but soon the clouds zoomed over us so yeah. we ran for cover. funny.
okay i'm tired. and school's quite monotonous. subject teachers are quite boring as well. SIGH! at least my class has nice people; but, waayyy too nice. i'm really not used to that.
xoxo -
_____________________rain rain, go away..
Saturday, January 13, 2007 ; 11:40 PM
i miss last year. sigh.
apologies for the so-called hiatus. not really in the mood to blog about my quite-sad-life, yet. many many pics yet to upload though! @gothampenthouse, @dxo, @phunkbar, @ministryofsound.
i so need happy pills or endorphins. even chocolates ain't enough now. pfft.
i miss
rachell, lester, qibin, charmaine, bailyn, xiangli, ryan, arthur, randall, even
themis. actually i miss everyone in
1T34 2006. i miss
fernie, i miss
pet, i miss
songyao, i miss so many others like maybe
celine, james, kiat, etc etc. it's so depressing that we can't study and hang out together as often as we could. if i only had 5 more marks for geog. 5 stupid marks. no, maybe just 2 more marks, plus level moderation, i would've made it. ohwell, shuddup jo. too late for regretting.
orientation genesis was kinda fun for the newcomers i suppose. but it was definitely a nightmare for all the retainees. i'm glad it's all over now. made some friends who're really quite nice.. but it's still different la.
least i'm not alone in this nightmare. but then it's still quite sad.
had a emo day-out with chrissy when we ponned one of the days. not so emo after all! camwhored and met up with some of 2T34 people! went down to
ryan's friend's shop near bugis, and walked at bugis too. dayout with lots of laughter. wheee. then there was thursday after school where
chriss, lester, ryan, arthur and i went down to suntec to walk and eat and just pass time. then there was yesterday night's bbq gathering at
chrissy's house together with 2T34 people again! i don't remember smiling so much this year if not only around my ex classmates. though we weren't blessed with good weather, it was filled with fun, laughter, farts & silly jokes. me and
toi's chaotah cannot-make-it marshmallows on mini toothpicks and plastic spoons, the crazy number of umbrellas needed to cover the bbq fire, building of the shelter which did not work,
chriss getting all high and mad, etc. haha! oh well. one of the happier days of 2007 worth recalling.
anyway. songs by
boys like girls are the ultimate earcandies man. ;)
Today's a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Today in the blink of an eye I'm holding on to something and I do not know why
I tried
I tried to read between the lines, I tried to look in your eyes
I want a simple explanation for what I'm feeling inside
I gotta find a way out, maybe there's a way out
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer, do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder and I said, your eyes are the brightest of all the colours
I don't wanna ever love another, you'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain and bring on the thunder
Today is a winding road, tell me where to start and tell me something I don't know
Today I'm on my own, I can't move a muscle and I can't pick up the phone
I don't know
And now I'm itching for the tall grass and longing for the breeze
I need to step outside just to see if I can breathe
I gotta find a way out, maybe theres a way out
Yeah I'm walking on a tightrope, I'm wrapped up in vines
I think we'll make it out but you just gotta give me time
Strike me down with lightning, let me feel you in my veins
I wanna let you know how much I feel your pain.
xoxo -