_____________________job @ toys R us!
Sunday, November 27, 2005 ; 12:58 PM

finally got a job at toys r us.. thanks to the rest! we'll all be working together.. but i guess at different shifts.. but i havent started.. don't know when i will either.. ah wells. went to buy my prom dress with dad at wisma yesterday.. walked around and i wanted to hide my face everytime he suggests a dress. they're all like what my mom will wear! finally i bought one from daniel yam! love it. wanted to get a blue velvet dress.. din expect myself to get a deep red (maroonish) one instead. got a shawl to match the dress.. a stupid long cloth for 49 bucks. ahha. and bought a necklace which originally cost 73 bucks, but there was a 50% discount! cool man. overall it was under 200 bucks. twahaha.
hmmm anyways watched exorcism of emily rose with toi the other day. it's quite freaky.. and but they show more of the courtcase instead of how emily rose got exorcised. hmmm. so it was a little draggy.
okay going off to meet bf at gym soon. kinda dreadful but i need la. :( prom is coming! till then..

i won't worry my life away

xoxo -


_____________________need job need money!
Friday, November 25, 2005 ; 2:56 AM

hmmm i need a job! i need moneyyy to buy lots and lots of things! have alot of stuff i needa strike off from my wishlist! i feel so bad getting so much money from my mom everytime i go out.. but who's going to hire a part-timer who's only willing to work for a month? since i'm most probably going M.I. for first three months to play.. but then again, maybe i won't go there. haha shit i'm so indecisive.. mom asked me to apply first and if i don't feel like going anymore, i can just not turn up for the school. how selfish. haa.

anyway, today i woke up at like, noon.. met toi at heeren.. oh yeah i wore my sis's sandals/ flip flops which had straps made of metal or some hard plastic, and it kept rubbing on my skin! had blisters all over, so irritating. had to buy plasters and oh yes i finished the whole pack of plastics by the end of the day. anyway den we went over ta raffles city cos toi wanted to look for prom stuff. oh oh oh! i was pointing to toi this group of caucasians that looked damn familiar and cool, one had spiked blonde hair, wore a polo tee with a necktie, and put on dark eyeliner (i think), looks like those rebel boybands like sum41 and all. toi saw and said that group was PUG JELLY! haha. what the hell is PUG JELLY doing at city hall mrt?! taking train or something? now that was shocking. or maybe toi saw wrongly. back to the prom dresses, we tried the dresses at robinsons and warehouse. haha quite funny la. i just tried for fun, didn't intend to buy la. the one i tried at robinsons was funny cos it looks like what our mothers will wear, and the one i tried at warehouse was damn nice, but the price also very nice. i'd also wanna splurge on a dress which i can still wear after prom.
after that, met mark in the evening.. we were early so mark ate at burger king at cine.. he was such a pain in the ass i swear.. he kept picking on me and he claimed that he wants to take the opportunity to irritate me cos there won't be one next time! sheesh. i got so irritated, plus the painful blisters on my feet doubled my frustration, so i just snapped at him telling him that he totally succeeded in irritating me and that he should stop it right that instant. i couldn't even smile already lah. felt like shooting him down with a gun. but he finally stopped upon seeing me so irritated. ha!
we caught Just Like Heaven! that show is so nice la. half the time i'm laughing and half the time i feel like crying. <333 makes me wanna fall in lovee! and reese witherspoon is soooo preettyyyy...

yepp that's about it..
okay this is random. but the song Coral Sea by Jay Chou and Lara is like one of the only chinese songs that i fancy and it's quite a tear jerker! stupid jay, always making us wanna cry.
and another thing. i just discovered i love songs with alot of drums and guitar. nicee. haha okay that's super random.. i'm so bored it makes me so sad. haah. it's late and i still can't get to sleep.

it's making me believe that you're the one for me

GODLYEH: okay i forgot your real name. haha but hello mr yeh.
van: heh thanks! :) going rj for first three months?

xoxo -


_____________________sim lim sq with clique.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 ; 1:19 AM


today was.. interesting.
when the paper was over the hall was filled with "yay"s and big loud sighs of relief. last paper was good! i hope i'll get at least 35/40!
went up gym for the pre-admission admission exercise.. i've decided to go toh tuck millenia! if i don't feel like going anymore i still can withdraw after orientation. -sniggers. cos they have the cca badminton and i wanna join! and to make friends. i don't think the good badminton players are going millenia anyway. they'd all long been taken in thru dsa to the jcs i guess. haa.

went sim lim square after school tgt with toi, ninny, qi and sham. nat met us there. got toi's present. which is same as sheila's! a panasonic microbe! wooohhhooo. anyway I MET TWO WEIRD PEOPLE TODAY. 1st one was when we were walking thru bugis village from bugis mrt towards sim lim.. this topless old man popped out from the shops asking me "SHEN NI KE LA XUE XIAO AH? (saint nicholas girls' school ah?)" and i gave that errr face and was like "err no?" and he tried acting clever or smart. he smirked, pointed at my uniform and went "hfft. bu shi shen ni ke la? nu xiao ma! (hfft. not saint nicholas? girl school what) FAINTS. he doesn't even know chij has 12 different schools? goodness. and he kept following us all the way to OG area, near sim lim. scary fella.

second weird person was in bugis. after simlim, we headed to bugis to shop around for prom stuff.. i was talking on the phone to my mom while going up the escalator to third floor, and this ah beng looking guy who was going down the escalator tapped my elbow and i turned to him. he went "eh ta yao gen ni jiang hua. (hey he wants to talk to you)", pointing at his friend next to him. faints. i was talking on the phone, too distracted to react. what weirdos man!

after that nic and becky met us in the evening. the rest went home so sham, nic, becky and i walked over to suntec.. they had swensons for dinner while i went back home to meet my mom to get money for dye!
i dyed my hair, and am lovin it now! :) it's my first time and i got so irritated and all when my hair wasn't brown looking when i applied the dye.. waited for almost an hour till i washed the dye off and it's like BROWN. it's like ash brown and kinda red in the light? i don't know. but it's revlon medium golden brown. heh.

oh yeah. last sat me and my sis went bugis to SHOP! and i mean really shop. i bought 100 over bucks worth of stuff.. bought a brown jacket that looks like those mango kind, fake one but looks good, a blue floral skirt (niceeeee), and a dark brown three-quart pants (not berms). wooohooo. and i lost 1 kg. oh yay. have started running since last weekend. am playing badminton tomorrow morning and the day after! wooohooo.

hmmm. my maid's leaving cos her mom at home is sick. she said she'll be coming back after 2 years. my new maid's arrived today. she looks quite like the old one. looks friendly. that's good enough. heh.

hmmm i'm so happy! why? because.. because.. :) !!

adeline: yeah it's finished! i miss you to burger! nah we din buy zen micro! :)
natt: we all do! :)
ryl: hello lameness! random leh you! we should go out soon.
xiuxian: Os are OVER! yeah we must the 6 or 7 of us! maybe next week yeah? must ah.

xoxo -


_____________________sheila's birthday!
Saturday, November 19, 2005 ; 1:54 PM

last paper on tuesday!
but it feels like it's over already..
heh. yesterday was uber fun.
we celebrated sheila's birthdayy
it's actually on the 21st but she's going m'sia with her family!
met toi first in town. she bought her slippers
i bought this ripcurl white bottle
super nice (:
it's white with pink words and black design
anyways den we went over to toysrus in forum to buy the hula hoop for nic
when we were walking out 5 guys apprached us to ask us to buy those donation coupons. y'know, those stuff they do in orchard road..
toi, being so nice, would always stay there when ppl stop us for these kinda donations while i'd try to ignore and walk off.
so toi got held up there and i had no choice but to try to bring toi away with me
the guys were freaks lah, okay only one
they asked for our age and claimed to be also year 1989er..
so, okayyy. den that particular freak (he looks like desmond koh) asked if we wanted to join them to work in these kinda donations so we said we will still be considering
den kept pestering us to buy one ticket..
we said we didn't have the money already and they kept going on like "sure anot.. you all sure very rich right, whoa, buy things from toysrus somemore.. nvm, if you all have 50 dollars i have change."
haah i tried being funny, said 'no lah the hula hoop only 4 bucks'
haha the most irritating part was that he suddenly bent over to me and whispered, asking me "ni you mei you nan peng you? (you got boyfriend)"
i gave that horrified face saying, no?
den he was like "wei shen me? (why)"
i gave him that disgusted what's-wrong-with-you face and replied 'i don't know.. just don't have lah.'
goodness. den he continued to pester us..
den he asked toi the same question. freak i swear.
we kept insisting we didn't have any money left and finally after prolly 5 mins (which was what seemed like hours), they were willing to let us off.
sure, i'm not that stingy
i'd be willing to donate but not to these kinda roadside donations..
i don't trust these organisations
i'd rather give the money to those homeless disabled poor old man or old woman along the roads. :(
haha toi said he was smelly but thankfully i did not smell anything, or rather, i'd chose not to breathe in anything.
after town, we headed to sheila's house
ninny, becky, qi, nic and nat were already there
while the birthday girl and sham were still having their chem paper
heh they kinda got ready all the stuffs..
nat, nic and ninny cooked while me qi and toi wrapped the present
we got her the panasonic microbe 5MB mp3
it's darn nice! she wanted zen micro but they were outta stock..
i think the microbe's even nicer than zen micro
anyways so at about 7pm, the birthday girl arrived and we stood at the door singing the birthday song
i dunno if she was too shocked or what she saw us at the door and ran away
hahaha so funny
becky had to go off so we took group pics and dug into the food
they were great man
esp nat's spaghetti with cambell sauce.
soon after sham arrived cos she could not go tgt with sheila to her house, cos sheila didn't know we were celebrating for her
heh yepp yepp. den watched tong xin yuan and some jay videos..
natt we love you and we'll all still be together next year! :)
yeah, that's about it.. cabbed home with nic and natt..

okay i gtg. sis just called going bugis with her now! shopping! whee.
till then!

you're beautiful it's true :)

adeline: :)))))))))))) BURGER!
sham: shammyy mummyyy! one more paper. woots.

xoxo -


_____________________OLEVELS. left with phy/chem mcq.
Thursday, November 17, 2005 ; 12:05 PM

okay wheee i'm left with phy/chem mcq and Os will be officially OVER.
i don't know why i'm at home now when i should be going town to catch a movie or go shopping or something since it's thursday and my next and last paper is on tues.

sigh i feel sorta lousy about my papers
but geog yesterday was great cos it's my first time ever completing the full paper without experiencing much time crisis compared to ss. i hope my geog will pull the combined grade up anyways.
amaths today was oh-kayy.. alot find it easier than paper 1 but i think otherwise! paper 2 wasn't very nice to me. i practised alot on binomial theorem and matrices the whole night to make sure i get full marks for that topic in the paper but i've lost a few now. >:( plus i did so much of 'differentiation to get maximum or minimum curve' questions in the tys, but i ended up doing the other question which i did not practise much in. ooh la la. how shitty is that? cos i wasn't too sure about the 1st part of the differentiation question so i didn't wanna take the risk cos if the first part's wrong, every other part will be.. ugh, i'm starting to wonder if there's something wrong with me. okay maybe paper 2 WAS EASIER, just that i had high hopes on the paper and expected myself to do much better to pull up my marks in paper 1.. :( die la. mom brought back paper 1 and i calculated a minimum of 50 marks obtained. but still! it's a B4... and if my paper 2's gonna pull the combined mark down ..... plus moderation in the marks ......

anyway i really need to catch a few winks.
had only 3 to 4 hours of sleep last night and my eye bags are dark and heavy and i'm having a headache. boohoo. poor me.

oh anyway, i just read the lyrics of Five For Fighting's 100 Years and just found out the song is not only about living a 100, but mainly targeting on the 15-year-olds.
15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live

and i all along thought he was singing "50", not 15. lols.
i'm still fifteen!

I've been searching deep down in my soul
Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old
Looks like I'm starting all over again
The last three years were just pretend and I say
Goodbye to you, Goodbye to everything that I knew

xoxo -


Saturday, November 12, 2005 ; 11:33 PM

hmmm. i'm reminscing. okay what a wrong time to do so. what's wrong with me? ah well just taking a break from all the books i guess. anyway these songs really make me think back. those memories weren't really great but they're really nice to remember. =) chinabirds and all.

To Die For- Rooster
How can it hurt when I feel no pain
How can it heal if i look the same

I've been searching all my mornings
For the last breath of a dream
Are you drowning or just waving
Cos i'm tearing at the seams

I wanna live, and I wanna breath
Always thought you'd be the one to set me free
But i can forgive
cos you make me believe in something more
Now I only want to live if i can find
Find somebody to die for

How can you lose if its not a game
How can you love if you're never going to change

Gonna find my way through this maze of my desire
Come what may bitter love or wasted time
You might say I'm chasing shadows in my mind
But there's a light that guides my way to all I live for
Somebody to die for

Til I Get Over You- Michelle Branch
Everytime i feel alone I can blame it on you
And i do, oh

You got me like a loaded gun, golden sun and sky so blue
We both know that we want it
But we both know you left me no choice

(chaque fois que tu t'en vas)
You just bring me down
(je pretends que tu fais bien)
So i'm counting the tears till i get over you

Sometimes i watch the world go by
I wonder what it's like to wake up every single day
Smile on your face you never tried
We both know we can't change it
But we both know we'll just have to face it

If only i could give you up
But would i want to let you off of this soapbox baby?
We both know that we want it
But we both know you left me no choice

We both know that i'm not over you
I'm not over you..

tuition today with mom's colleague.. she's a HOD of humanities geog so yeah. she helped me, her son and his friend in geog at serangoon gardens. her son was supa lame i swear. it was cos of something she said, and his son exclaimed to the whole world, "yes i'm a eunuch and i'm gay!" yes you got me right, he practically shouted out loud. those caucasians turned around laughing. embarassing! i thought all guys have big ego. anyway i'm invited to two chinablack trips after Os by two ppl. laughs. cooll.

anyway amaths sucks lah. 4 more papers to go.
i'm going off.


xoxo -


_____________________OLEVELS! ):
Friday, November 11, 2005 ; 3:37 PM

i have totally no confidence in doing well for Os.
yes you heard me right.
i think i can bid goodbye to sajc/ __jc/ __jc ! (fill in the blanks)
the papers were quite okay
but somehow i'm still worried i made careless mistakes!
SIGH :( bye A1 for maths. A2 please?
i think my carelessness in paper 1's gonna pull me down.

Chinese- Hello B4. We meet again.
Social Studies- Goodbye 7 marks!
Emaths Paper 1- Hi.
Science Chemistry- GOOD.
Science Physics- the first time i like chem more
English- You better pull me up.
Biology- Ahh you ahh. B4 or B3 can?..
Emaths Paper 2- A1 can anot?! >:(

Okay i think i'm going psycho. what a paradox.
hmmmms i'm off. not in a good mood
3/4 of my future is sealed.
Left with A maths, elective geog and science paper 1.
i'm so dreading the day we collect our results next feb.
like, i seriously cannot imagine how i'd fare for it!
like, can do well but can screw up also
goodness. gaahhhhh >:(

xue: yepp. can't wait. but i don't wanna get back results >:(
anne: blur! damn no life lah. haha. you'd understand me next year. lol. yeah must ah. just make sure ah meng doesnt follow you home (: thanks for the wishes.
toi: yay. we've got a little more life now since week 1 is OVER. slap you la x)
natt: i love you too! :)

xoxo -


_____________________chinese retake.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 ; 9:33 PM

i need a life! goodness i think i've been cut out from the real world or something. haven't seen real people since forever. okay i'm crapping. anyway chinese was tougher than the june paper.. oh no.. and i studied sec 3 and 4 chapters for one whole day the day before the paper, only to realise none of the words i studied came out! the words that came out for the first five questions were words we learnt long ago.. knew only 3 out of the 5.. oh well at least better than june where i only knew 2. i screwed up close passage though! wont be surprised if i get back a b4! waste my time! :(

Love forever love is free ;
Let's turn forever you and me ;
Windmill, windmill for the land ;
Is everybody in?

toi: mao keng! you finally admit you miss me! ha ha ha ha. we have no more life left. we must get back our life after the stupid Os! >:( you ah.
someone: leave your name.. if not i don't think i should entertain anons who ask me about my personal life..
van: yessss... damn fast! :( study hardddd!
peishan: hahah okie maybe. MI ppl fun? lol! excluding you lah. you study hard for the papers you're gonna take again yeahh!
ryl: rylrylrylrylryl! haha. okay. mark mark mark. jane jane jane. sorry that's random too. thankyou(:

xoxo -






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